"Prioritizing Web Usability" . Nuevo libro de Nielsen.
Y el controvertido Jakob Nielsen , vuelve a carga con "Prioritizing Web Usability ", esta vez escrito en colaboración con Hoa Loranger.
Ya estuve hojeando el libro (a lo mejor el fin de semana tengo un poco más de tiempo para leer), y por supuesto -me fui derecho a las conclusiones-. Nada muy nuevo viniendo de Nielsen, pero sí mucho más enfático. Comienza diciendo...
Design for users. That sounds so obvious, but it's not. Almost always, when we see bad Web sites, they were designed for the designers themselves or for their clients. The point is not what you like or what your manager or even the CEO likes. It's difficult to reject your own preferences, but the key to creating a good experience for users is to design with them in mind.
Remember, you are not your average user. Your boss is not your average user. Presumably, both you and your boss are smart, and you probably know much more about computers and the Internet than your average user does. But even if you are targeting an audience of highly educated geeks, you still are different from them in one key area: You know more and care more about your company and your products. To you, they are special, different, and probably better than the competition's.
Keep your users at the center of your design project. Be humble. Listen to them. They'll make you successful.
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